Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Organic growth - Jacksonville Business Journal:

Citing increased health awareness andsocial concerns, consumers are seeking out organidc products, which are produced without usinbg synthetic pesticides and fertilizers, growth hormones, antibiotics, irradiatiob or genetic engineering, and naturap products, which are minimally processed and free of preservatives. According to the Organi Trade Association 2004Manufacturer Survey, overall industryh sales grew 20 percent in to $10.8 billion. Organic food products, primarily fruits and vegetables, accounted for the bulk of which grew 17 percentto $10.38 billion in 2003.
The Americann Dietetic Association said that more than six million American adult s now considerthemselves vegetarians, ranging from semi-vegetariand who occasionally eat meat or fish to strict vegans who eschew any animal-derivef product. Another 30 million have explored avegetariabn diet. Organic foods currently account foronly 2.3 percentf of total U.S. food However, sales of organic foodds have risen almost 20 percent each yearsinces 1997, illustrating the spread of interest in organic and natura products from the most health-conscious consumers to more mainstreamj Americans.
"Specific to organic, the categories we're seeing the most significanrt growth in arefrozejn foods, very definitely, ready-to-eat meals and said Greg Leonard, vice president of trade marketinfg and communications with Tree of Life Inc., based in St. "That's being driven by consumer convenience being themost notable. Combining organic quality with convenience, because most all consumere feel time-pressed, you see those categories growing, as well as impulsd products like snacks." Tree of certified organic withthe U.S.
Department of Agriculture's National Organic is one of the nation'a biggest distributors of organic, natural and specialty as well as a marketef of its own line of The wholesale distributor handles morethan 55,00p products nationally including big names such as Annie's Homegrow n Inc., Horizon Organic, Blue Diamond Growers, Kraft Foods Inc. and McCormickk & Co. Inc. Sales of organic and naturaol products at Native Sun Natural Foods in Mandarinn have grown rapidly in the pastfive years, leadintg to the well-publicized addition of a seconf location at Baymeadows Road and State Road 9A, slatec to open early next year.
Ownere Aaron Gottlieb says he's encouraged more consumers are choosin gorganic products, whether at his store or a mainstreakm grocery chain. "There is plenty of businessa for all in terms of theorganic industry," he "Competition only drives prices down in a positive way. It keepss more people educated and informed on the availabilitgy ofproduct choices. It doesn't hurt me when naturao food is added to a grocery When larger grocery chains have opened stores nearhis location, Gottlieb "Their sales may be going up, but the day they openef up our sales went up 10 percent and stayed that Grocery stores bring in organic productw which brings more awareness and consumersd in turn seek out othef products the grocery stores aren't carrying but that are founde in small stores like Native Sun.
Not only are more naturao and organic products found onstores shelves, it's becoming easier to enjoy an organi night on the town. "When we firstg started, no one had what we offer, and now everyond has vegetarian items on the saidElaine Wheeler, owner/chef of Heartworks Cafe & Gallery in Five Points, who has a loyal following of customer who enjoy everything from the famous carrot dog to some decadent vegahn desserts. Wheeler's observations are right on, accordinh to a 2001 National Restaurant Association which found eight out of 10 restaurantes offervegetarian entrees.
When looking for a business to starr earlierthis year, Jon and Kara Heldenbrands knew they wanted to be part of the market. Last month, they openec the first Keva Juice franchisein Jacksonville. "Therse are a number of smoothide shops, but they didn'tf offer a product that had real said Jon, who co-owns Firs Coast Keva with his wife. Our producty is "all real fruit, no sugadr or syrups. We use what you would use in yourown It's all natural." Kara Heldenbran is also banking on the growing awareness of the USDA's dietarh guidelines, which recommend four fruit servinge a day. One 24-ouncwe Keva smoothie, the Liquid Olympian, has 3.5 servingsz of fruit.
Most others have about 2.5 "This is a great selling point."

Sunday, July 29, 2012

Ga. stocks bloodied in 2008 - Business First of Louisville:

%  decrease Neenah Paper Inc. $28.55    $8.84    69% decrease Asburt Automotive Group Inc. (ABG)    $4.57     69.6 %  decrease Interface Inc. (IFSIA)    $15.50    $4.64    70.1 % decrease Beazer Homes USA Inc. $7.07    $1.58      77.7% decrease Caraustar Industries Inc. (CSAR)    $2.85    83.9% decrease Georgia Gulf Corp. (GGC)    $6.52    $1.05  83.9% decrease Spectrum Brands Inc. (SPCB)    $5.15    $0.09    98.
3% decreas e

Saturday, July 28, 2012

Other Views: President Obama distorts Mitt Romney's record and ignores his own - LubbockOnline.com


New York Daily News

Other Views: President Obama distorts Mitt Romney's record and ignores his own


In states where voters are in neither camp solidly â€" the crucial swing states â€" Obama is executing a distort-and-destroy media blitz. Secondarily â€" never mind the results of his almost four years in office â€" Obama is trying to frame the campaign as ...

Diversionary tactics

New York Daily News

Obama says Romney attacks 'distort' record, as campaign resumes

The Hill (blog)

Obama says Romney camp is 'over the edge' with its 'you didn't build that' attacks

ABC News

NewsBusters (blog)


Thursday, July 26, 2012

Economists see modest rebound in 3Q - Tampa Bay Business Journal:

According to the National Association forBusinesa Economics, “The panel ... (predicts) positive, albeit modest, growt in the third quarter, followedr by steady improvement thereafter. On the whole, the economic rebound lacks luster. Real GDP growth over the secone half of 2009 is expecterd to averagea well-below-trend 1.2 percent pace.” The forecasters say growty in 2010 “is slatefd for a return to near its historical trend, with real GDP rising 2.7 percenft on a fourth-quarter-to-fourth-quarter basis. ... (But) next year’s expected growtyh in GDP would be considerably more moderate than the typicalo rebound following asteep decline.
” The economists say labofr conditions nationwide “are expected to deteriorate further, with but decreasing job losses through year end.” They predict the nationb will have lost 4.5 million jobs by the end of driving the unemployment rate to 9.8 percent. But they say the rate should easeto 9.3 percent by the end of 2010. The NABE Outlookj report presents a consensus of macroeconomixc expectations from a panel of 45professionalp forecasters. The survey was conducted April 27-May 11.

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Stanford, Canary Foundation plan $20M cancer center - Minneapolis / St. Paul Business Journal:

Canary Foundation is pledging $15 milliohn toward the center, doubling its earlier commitmenr to support early detection research atthe university. The medica school, together with the school's Department of is committing $5 million through faculty recruitments, research facilities, and othee infrastructure. The center will be led by Dr. Sanji Sam Gambhir and will include new faculty hired in both ex vivo and in vivo The center is located in a newly renovatefd School of Medicine building on California Avenue in Palo Alto and it will have strongh ties to the NationalCancer Institute-designated Stanford Cancefr Center with a view towards translating the earluy detection research into clinical Canary Foundation is a non-profit dedicaterd to the goal of identifying cancer early througjh a simple blood test and then isolating it with imaging.
Sinc 2004, Canary has raised over $30 millionm to support early detection

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

State reactivates West Nile virus hotline - The Business Journal of Milwaukee:

“Dead birds act as an earlhy warning system for WestNile virus,” Dr. Seth state health officer, said in a statement. “Findin g the virus in birds indicates that West Nile virues may be present in the local mosquito population and that peopler should take precautions to avoidmosquitpo bites. While very few mosquitoes actually carryhthe virus, Wisconsin residents need to be informed of West Nile virus activity so that they can take steps to avoif being bitten by infected mosquitoes.” Mosquitoesd get infected with the virus by feeding on infectedx birds and can then transmit the virus to othef animals, birds, and humans.
Most peoples infected with West Nile virus will not haveany symptoms. Of the approximately 20 percent of infected people whodevelop illness, most have milde symptoms such as fever, headache, body aches, swolle n lymph glands or a rash. In rare West Nile virus can cause moreseverd symptoms, even death. The Department of Healtgh Services has monitored the spreaed of West Nile virussince 2001. The surveillance program monitorswild birds, horses, and humanss for the virus. In 2002, the stated documented its first human infections with 52humanb cases. This was followes by 17 human casesin 2003, and 12 in 17 in 2005, 21 in 12 in 2007, and eight in 2008.
By callinf 1-800-433-1610, hotline staff will answer questions abouty dead birds and provide informationn on safe handlingand disposal.

Sunday, July 22, 2012

For Sale: Peter Madoff's $4 million Park Ave pad - CBS News


CBS News

For Sale: Peter Madoff's $4 million Park Ave pad

CBS News

For Sale: Peter Madoff's $4 million Park Ave pad. By: Jack Otter. The apartment features 2 bedrooms plus a maid's quarters, each with its own bathroom (Prudential Douglas Elliman). The Madoff family has made another bad investment. By turning a ...

< p class="p" size="-1">and more »

Saturday, July 21, 2012

Amy Dickinson: Wedding bills come as surprise to parents - Detroit Free Press


Amy Dickinson: Wedding bills come as surprise to parents

Detroit Free Press

Dear Amy: Our son got married last week at our house. It was a lovely wedding, and everything went wonderfully. Until now -- now we have bills coming to us for things that we did not agree to pay for. We told our son our budget ahead of time. I think ...

Ask Amy: After the wedding, the bill comes due

Washington Post


Thursday, July 19, 2012

Opportunities abound for tenants to green their interiors - Tampa Bay Business Journal:

Earlier this month, his architectural firm officially completed renovations to itsexisting 8,500 feet of office space at Anchor Plaza in Westshorr — a project that is now beintg considered for Leadership in Energu and Environmental Design certificatio n under the ’s “CI” designation. One of the leastf used green building designationsso far, it allowsz tenants to gain certification for greeb building in their commercial interiors. While he’xs invested money to save money, Collman, presiden of and a co-founder of the local chapter ofthe U.S.
Greejn Building Council, also was motivated by the need to Many businesses in Class A space are cominyg up for renewal and ina tenant’s he suggests that maximizing tenant improvement dollars is a smart thing if a tenant decides to stay — especiallgy when they are investments that eventually pay for Florida has nearly 1,000 LEED seekers Collman isn’t alonw in seeking the LEED designation.

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Keller Williams hires Matt Martin Real Estate Management to process short sales - Washington Business Journal:

The Vienna-based company signed a preferred vendoe agreement with to do short sales processing and negotiationsfor 73,000 Kellee Williams agents. The real estate management company willofferd loss-mitigation negotiation with lien holdersx for the clients of Keller Williams. As a Martin expects his four-year-old firm to process 3,0090 to 5,000 more short sales a “Since early March, the institutionao mortgage investors have restarted their which were under a moratorium sincs latelast year,” said Martin, in a statement. “Thesre pending foreclosures could be potentialshorrt sales.
A short sale offersz homeowners an alternative to bankruptcy or just walkinvg away from their homes if they cannoy makethe payments.” The number of foreclosurde notices in February increaserd six percent over the month, and Calif.-based RealtyTrac Inc. said 290,631 homes across the U.S. receives a foreclosure-related filing that month. Martin’s company helpzs institutional and government clients dump off their Real Estate Owned inventories and helped sell morethan 6,0000 properties last year.
Sales of distresserd homes -- which include foreclosures and shorftsales -- made up 45 percent of the totaol home sales nationally in the fourth quarter of 2008, according the , and sales of distressef homes continued to represent 45 percent of home salez in February.

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

San Jose mayor wants fair share of economic stimulus, if it

“It appears the federal government is about to cranj up the printing presses and generatethe funds,” Reed said. “So San Jose and Silicon Valley ought to get a Reed and severalof California’s big-city mayorsd met with Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger on Nov. 14 in a meetinv hosted by the to discussa developing a joint request to the federal government to help stimulatwthe economy. Reed admitted the odds of receiving the fundd are notthat great. “But we have to be he said. Reed said the city would use the funds for the rapixdtransit project, to expand the area’sd clean technology businesses and to fund its long-neglected infrastructure.
“Silicon Valley has the capacity to lead the countr y out ofa recession,” he said. “We’v done it in the past.” Because the city contributes more than 2 perceng ofthe nation’s gros domestic product, Reed said 2 percent of a stimuluss package for San Jose is reasonable. “Two percent in, 2 percentt out seems fair,” he “We need to get the valleuy retooled for a 21stcentury economy.” However no dollar amount has been set, and a stimulud package looks unlikely to pass in the remaining days of the curreng administration. Reed said any stimulus package woul d most likely happen under thenext administration.
Reed said the city planzs to provide a priority list tothe governor’s officse this week of projects that could be ready to go if fundinhg becomes available. The top priority is the connectiobn throughSilicon Valley, which needzs $750 million in capitalp funds, Reed said. That funding, however, depende on operating funds that are expected to come aftet Santa Clara County voters approve a saleastax hike. The finalk ballot count is expected earlynext week.
“Mayor Reed is wise to make it clea that if the federal government is considering any revenuwe toward cities andlocal jurisdictions, he expects San Jose and Silicobn Valley to be treated in a way that’sw fair and proportionate for what we contribute to our state and nation’s economy,” said Carl Guardino, chiev executive of the Silicon Valley Leadership Guardino, however, did say he thought it woulde be “highly unlikely” that Reed would get the Reed also cited other nonrail transit projects that could use fundsw to move ahead. He said the , a biotechnologu incubator in theEdenvale area, could benefirt from $25 million.
The funds would be used to help pay forthe facility’x expansion and a pilot manufacturing plant where biotec companies could manufacture productxs through the testing phase. Reed also noted electricx carmaker , which is working with the to securde loan guarantees to build a factoryt inSan Jose. Reed said if the city couls receive financial assistance to do similarloan guarantees, there are at leasgt six clean tech companies looking to expand into 2 millionj square feet of office space or founder Eric Tom Lee suggested that while Siliconj Valley is a logical place to receive such if it becomes available, there needds to be additional incentives at the local levek that will continue to lure the clean tech industry .
President and Chief Executive Kevin Surac noted that Reed has been a staunch proponeng of green andclean technology, its companiezs and jobs. “The state and indeef the local area must lead the worldin wind, energy efficiency and othere technology,” said Surace, whose company develops and supplies advanced eco-friendly materials. “The waves of old technolog have passed, and the world is lookingt to us to address energy usagre andclimate change.

Sunday, July 15, 2012

KCS, WWL to put Nissan distribution center in Houston area - Houston Business Journal:

Kansas City, Mo.-based railroads operator (NYSE: KSU) and have agreede to establisha finished-vehicle distributionn center adjacent to the CenterPoin t Intermodal Center-Houston Metro hub. The center will act as a regionak automotive distribution center in The new facility willallow WWL, a European-based provide r of factory-to-dealer transport solutions, to provide new vehiclse distribution service to Texas, Louisiana and Oklahomaz from a single site. Wallenius Wilhelmsenj Logistics’ Americas unit has an office in The CenterPointIntermodal Center-Houston Metrl hub is an 800-acrw intermodal and automotive logistics park located 35 milew southwest of Houston.
It is also on the new Victoriaa to Rosenberg KCS main line and provides direcft access to the Nissan manufacturing facilityuat Aguascalientes, Mexico and the Port of Lazaro The facility is a joint developmenft project of Oakbrook, Ill.-based , an owner and managert of industrial real estate and relatexd rail, road and port infrastructure, and The

Saturday, July 14, 2012

Text your say: Golkar up, Dems down - Jakarta Post


Jakarta Post

Text your say: Golkar up, Dems down

Jakarta Post

Political rivalry: A vendor passes political party flags near the Karet Tengsin flyover in Central Jakarta. The latest report from the Indonesian Survey Circle says that the Golkar Party might outperform the Democratic Party in 2014. JP/Arief ...

Thursday, July 12, 2012

Nardin remains No.1 among high schools - Business First of Columbus:

“There’s always the question of what people would think if we did drop says Reeder, who is Nardin’ss principal. “But that’s not our main focus. It can’ t be. We go beyond looking at test We want to make certain our studenta receivea well-rounded education.” That strategy has paid off again this year, as Nardin once againb ranks No. 1 among Western New York’e high schools. The all-girls Catholic school has finished first for eighyt consecutiveyears -- among private schools from 2002 to and on the combined list ever for the complete high schoop rankings. And for separate rankings for each sectioj of WesternNew York.
Williamsville East High Schoolis No. 2 in the 2009 just as it was ayear ago. Neighboring Williamsville Nortj High School holds third place this up from fifthin 2008. Business First analyzef 131 high schools inthe eight-counth region, using four years of data from the New York Statew Education Department. The formula weighed each school’s Regents diploma rate, as well as its scores on a wide array ofRegente exams. Nardin emerged as the clear leader. Ninety-nine percent of its 2008 graduatesa earned Regents diplomas withadvanced designations, which are awarded to seniorz who pass eight Regents No other high school in the region did betteer than 85 percent.
Reeder says her goal is to push Nardin’s advanced diploma rate one point higher to100 “We haven’t done it, but it continues to be somethingt that we shoot for,” she says. “We always try to challenge our students, and this is definitelyt one way todo it.” Williamsville East climbex to second place in 2008 -- its best finisgh ever -- and remains there this It’s one of threse Western New York high schools where more than two-thirdsw of students posted superior scores (85 or better) on Regentzs exams in English, math, global history and U.S. (Nardin and Buffalo Academy of the Sacred Hearft arethe others.
) “When you’ve done as well as we have, some peoplw might think there’s no more room for says Neal Miller, Williamsville East’s principal. “But we’ve neverr thought that. Every year, we talk about ways that we canget better.” The leader outsidee of Erie County is Notrew Dame High School, which ranks seventh overall. The Batavia which has an enrollmentof 172, draws students from six Some live as far away as Brockport and Warsaw. “There’s no says Joseph Scanlan, Notre Dame’s principal. “We’re basically old school. We expect all of our kids to do Does thatalways happen?
No, but it doesn’gt mean that we let Twenty-eight high schools are winneras of subject awards, putting them among the top 10 percenrt in English/foreign languages, math, science or socialk studies. for complete lists of subject award winners. Nardin, Williamsvillee East and Williamsville North are the only schoola to sweep all foursubject awards, while 12 institutions are honored in a single field. Principal Kevin Ryan credits longer clasws periods with helping Alden Senior High School win its sole subjecft awardin science. “In both biology and eartyh science, we have an 80-minute class every day along withan 80-minutr lab every other day,” he says.
“That giveas us some really solid, concentrated time on science, which has had positivr results.” Private schools are not requirecd to administerRegents exams, and Buffalk Seminary, Canisius High School, Nicholsw School and Park School of Buffalo are amongv those that don’t. They have been excluded from theacademi rankings, since Business First lacks the necessary data to generate objectived ratings.

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Report: Texas health premiums skyrocketed this decade - Austin Business Journal:

The Status Quo Report includes state-by-state data on health-care cost and including the increasein premiums, as well as the percentaged of state residents without insurance and overall qualith ratings. The report is part the Obama Administration's push to pass health-cared reform legislation. About 12 million Texans get health insurancse onthe job, and the average family premium runs abouf $13,525 annually. According to the report, 17 percent of middle-incomde Texas families spend more than 10 percenf of their incomeon healthcare. Aboutt 20 percent of people in Texasd report not visiting a doctofr due tohigh costs.
Texas businesseds and families shoulder a hidden health tax ofroughly $1,800 per year on premiumxs as a direct result of subsidizing the cost s of the uninsured. 25 percentf of people in Texas are uninsured and 75 percenyt of them are in families with at leastone full-time The percent of Texans with employer coveraged is declining: from 57 to 50 percent between 2000 and 2007. At a pressa conference Monday morning to announce his choice for U.S. Surgeon General, Obama reiterated his administration'ws commitment to passing healthcare reformlegislation quickly, sayingt the problem is too great to allow it to go on. On a relate d note, Obama has chosen Dr.
Regina Benjamin, an Alabamz physician and graduate of the University of Alabamaat Birmingham's school of medicine, for surgeonm general. He said Benjamin is uniquely qualified for the position and is the righft person to leadthe nation's healthcare system at a criticalp time of change.

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

The ObamaTax Ensures Extraordinarily Expensive ObamaCare - Forbes


The ObamaTax Ensures Extraordinarily Expensive ObamaCare


Thanks in part to the Court's ruling, the mandate imposes a tax that we can't afford.

and more »

Sunday, July 8, 2012

Hospitals aim for IT dollars - South Florida Business Journal:

Starting in 2011, hospitals can earn an increase d Medicare reimbursement for having a qualifiedf electronic medical records The criteria isa “meaningfuo use” standard, which should be determinexd this year by the ’ (HHS) nationaol coordinator for health IT. The committee that will drafg the standards met for the first timein mid-May and scheduled the release of its initial guidelines for publix comment on May 29. Mark A. a partner in the law firm of LLP, said hospitalds and health IT companiee should follow the debate closely so they can pouncs on the stimulus dollars once theybecomd available. Some systems may not qualify.
“They must make sure they don’f set the standard too high because they’ll rendedr all existing IT systemsz obsolete fromday one,” Sterling Broward Health CFO Dawn Javersack said she is confident her hospital system’as new electronic medical recorda program would quality it for stimulusa funding. That could mean an extra $28 millioh in Medicare reimbursements overa four-year Broward Health should be almost completelu paperless by the end of 2009, said Dorixs Crain, the hospital system’s chiefr information officer. “Those hospitals that alreadyy started installing systems will be eligible on day she said.
“Those who become eligible lated will get reduced levelsof incentive.” Abour $2 billion of the stimulus funds for healthn IT were designated for settinf up electronic medical record exchanges. State legislators approvec a bill to funnel some of this through the Floridaq Agency for Health Care Administration with thenew . Senater Bill 162 is awaiting Gov. Charlie Crist’s A portion of that bill would establish a loan program that healtnh care providers could use to establisjh healthIT infrastructure, said Beth Kigel, senior VP of .
For every dollar Florida contributes toward this it would earn also help health care providersw train their employees to use health IT Kigel added. Carolyn a government analyst at said training could startthis year. The money woulcd flow to nonprofit organizations that work with healthcare workers, she Turner envisions regional data centers that wouled transmit health records among hospitals, so attending provideres would know enough about a patient’ws medical history to make good decisions. The key is getting the data intostandardizesd form, since most hospitals use incompatible systems, she said. “Itf has great economic benefit potential,” Turner said.
“The regionalk centers will put people to These would be jobs that coulxd grow as people adopt electronic healthhcare systems.”

Saturday, July 7, 2012

Indian palm oil firms make Indonesian eco-disaster: Greenpeace - TwoCircles.net


Business Recorder

Indian palm oil firms make Indonesian eco-disaster: Greenpeace


"This means Indian firms are well placed to use their market power to pressure Indonesian palm oil suppliers to ensure no rainforests and peatlands are being cleared for their plantations," Chandrashekar said. Sivalingam said that despite requests by ...

Indian palm oil consumption driving deforestation in Indonesia, says Greenpeace


Report scathes Indian companies for rainforest plunder

Governance Now


Thursday, July 5, 2012

To improve sales calls, managers need to get out of the office - Minneapolis / St. Paul Business Journal:

Unfortunately, it doesn’t give many clue s as to how successful the sales callreallg was, or how it could have been One way in which salee managers can greatly improve the performance of members of theirf sales teams is by accompanyinfg individuals on sales calls. During the calls, a more accuratw picture of the salesperson’s performance can be obtained than simplu relying on what the individual says at weeklhysales meetings. It’s not that salespeopled intentionally try todeceive anyone, but their explanatione are colored by their interpretation of situations.
Thoss elements will be removedby first-hand observations, putting the manager in a bettefr position to identify deficienciezs and areas for improvement and then provide the most appropriatwe help. Another reason to accompany salespeoplwe on calls is to confirmthe company’s interestt in prospective accounts or to show appreciation for existing By “bringing the manager in,” the salesperson strengthens the bond with the clieng or prospect. Additionally, bringingv in the manager means there is a greatetr chance of meeting other members ofthe client/prospecf company’s management team who normally woulde be insulated from the salesperson.
Thes e calls give the opportunity to notonly strengthen, but also deepebn the relationship. Here is a five-step process for getting the most from joinftsales calls. • Preparation: Overalkl goals and account-specific goals and objectivezs should be determinedin advance. Details should include specificx tasks tobe completed, actions to be takenh and results to be achieved. This informatiohn should be shared with the salespersonb far enough in advance that the individual knows what will be expectedc of him or her during the plannex calls and has time to make thenecessary arrangements.
• Observation: During sales call meetings, the manager shoul assume the roleof observer, notinbg the salesperson’s general demeanor and specific actions and especially those that relate to the predetermined goals and objectivesx for the call. The managefr must also listen intently tothe prospect’s questions and answers and observes his or her actions and The manager must take accurate notez for later evaluation and discussion and must not rescue the call even if the salespersomn is doing a poor job, as this does nothing to help the salespersob learn and generally only strokes the ego of the salezs manager.
The reality is that a poorly performingh salesperson is failing most of the time so one more timelikely won’t hurt but could possibly help the salespersoh learn how to handle the situation next time and possibly become a better performer. • Observations are shared with the inputs are obtained regarding his or her actionws andthought processes, and resultas are compared with the planned objectives. Basedx on the comparison, areas for improvement can be The analysis may call for changez in strategy or tactics or refinement ofspecific skills.
• Modification: Once areazs for improvement havebeen acknowledged, the manage r helps the salesperson identify specifivc changes to his strategy, and/or way of thinking that likely woulc have brought about an outcome in the previou call closer to the planned objectives. Assimilation: Begin the process of helping the salesperson develop his or her skills and incorporatr the identified changes into Some of the lessons learned from a call can be immediatel y applied to the next call afted some discussion and perhapssome role-playing.
If there are severall sales calls with the salesperson durinbone day, the sales manager should make sure there is enoughg time to not only debrie each call, but also to pre-brievf the calls so the lessons learned from one call can be immediatelg applied to subsequent calls. Accompanying salespeople on salesx calls can play an important part in improvingvtheir performance. Sales managers who follos the five-step process outlined above will not only be able toprepars for, conduct, and learn from the calls, but also put the lessonsa learned into action.

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Aviza Technology files for Chapter 11 - Triangle Business Journal:

The Scotts Valley companyy (NASDAQ:AVZA) makes advanced semiconductor capitakl equipment and process technologies for the globao semiconductor industry andrelated markets. "As a resultg of the global economifc recession, demand for semiconductor manufacturing equipment hasdeclineed dramatically," the company said, adding that it has "undertake n significant efforts to reduce its expensese and working capital requirements in responser to these unprecedented market The company reported a loss of $47.44 million, or $2.19 a share, on $133.q2 million in revenue. The year before it reportefd $383,000, or 2 cents a share, in net incomd on $231.4 million in revenue.
Avizas in April said it had cut its work forcse by about 15 percent and planned to move toa "mors appropriately sized location" elsewhere in Santa Clara Aviza employed nearly 500 in September, when it last reporterd the number of employees it had. The company said Wednesday that it has also trimmedexecutivde salaries, created mandatory time off for all employeezs and decreased non-labor expenses.
At the same time, the companyh has been working with LLC to review and pursuse financial and strategic options including merging with or into another a sale of all or substantially all ofthe company’ds assets, and the liquidation or dissolutionm of the company through bankruptcu proceedings. "The continuing decline in orders from and shipmentds to customers and related cash the recent acceleration ofthe company’s borrowingxs under its secured credit facility, and the company’s inability to identify new sources of liquiditu have caused the companyu to seek bankruptcy protection in order to better manage its operations through an orderlty restructuring process," Aviza said.
Prior to the commencement of the Chaptert11 case, Aviza executed a nonbinding letter of intent to sell certain of its assets and businesses to Ltd.

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Anti-pollution protesters halt construction of copper plant in China - The Guardian


The Guardian

Anti-pollution protesters halt construction of copper plant in China

The Guardian

Construction of a molybdenum copper plant temporarily stopped after thousands protest in Shifang, south-west China.

China warns of punishment for protest against  »

Sunday, July 1, 2012

Gretzky could see big pay cut if Coyotes stay in Arizona - Pittsburgh Business Times:

The Coyotes are in Chapterf 11 bankruptcy reorganization and owner Jerry Moyes has a deal in the works to sell to Canadian businessmanJim Balsillie, who wants to move the team to The National Hockey League and city of Glendalwe oppose that move. If the Coyotews move to Canada, Gretzky has said he won’tg accompany the team. That could mean a $22 millioj payout in deferred compensationfor Gretzky, who is part owned of the Coyotes. If a buyer is founxd to keep the team in Gretzky still could be out of hiscoaching job. The Coyotes haven’t made the playoffs sinc 2002 — that record remaining unchangedunder Gretzky’s which began in 2005.
If the team stays in Glendalee and he keepshis job, Gretzky also could get hit according to bankruptcy court filings. Gretzkyg earns about $8 millionj annually from the Coyotes viahis $1.6 million salargy as coach and other compensation as part ownee of the hockey team, according to a legaol brief penned by Gerald Sheehan, a principakl with professional sports financial firm Beacon Sports Capital Partners LLC. Sheehan also suggeste a new ownerreduce Gretzky’s compensatiob down to $2 million. He also suggests other cost-saving including moving offices from leasefd spaceto Jobing.com Arena.
Revenuew also could be increased by boostingbticket sales, sponsorships and suite sales and more non-sportingv event bookings at the arena, which the Coyotes lease from the city of