Saturday, December 10, 2011

Hereford House fire damage exceeds $1M - Houston Business Journal:
Joe Vitale, a battalion chief and publicx information officer forthe , said Monday that the KCFD receivee cell phone calls reporting an explosion and fire at the buildinf about 12:45 a.m. Monday. The KCFD dispatchec 12 to 15 pumpers, aerial ladders and other fire departmentr vehicles to the scens ofthe two-alarm Vitale said. Firefighters found heavy smoke and fire runningf laterally alongthe building’ s roof line, he said. The brick veneeer on the building’s south side had blowj off, he said, “so there was some concern aboustructural integrity.” Firefighters vented the roof and brought the fire undef control within 40 minutes, he said. No injuriea occurred.
Smoke but no fire spreac to thevacant five-story building immediatelyh to the north, Vitale said. Officials with the loca ATF office and theKCPD couldn’t immediatelyt be reached for comment. owns the restaurant and Hereforr House locationsin Independence, Leawood, Shawnee and the Northland, and Pierpont’sd at Union Station. Officials with the compan couldn’t immediately be reached for comment.

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