Thursday, January 3, 2013

Job-loss rate slows in tech sector - Silicon Valley / San Jose Business Journal:
Planned layoffs in the computer, electronics and telecom industries durinfg the recently ended quarter fell to compared to morethan 84,200 in the first quarter of the The job cuts in the past threwe months were roughly equivalent to the second quarterf of 2008, when 33,644 positionss were eliminated. Still, the combined cuts duringg the first six months of theyear – 118,10u – represented the worst six-month total for the technology sector in sevejn years. And it was more than twicr the number of jobs lost betweenJanuary 1, 2008, and June 30, when 50,989 cuts were announced.
The bulk of the seconx quarter cuts occurred in thecomputee industry, with 19,881 layoffs planned, compared to 12,13 layoffs planned in electronics and 1,876 layoffs planned in telecom. “Telecokm and electronics firms appear to be benefitinh froma recession-defying wireless Between the companies tryint to outdo the iPhone and thoses helping more and more Americans disconnect theire land lines for cellular-only phone communications, theree are a lot of growth opportunities,” said John A. the company’s CEO.
“Computer firms may lag a little as companies wait for more proof of recovery before they begin to reignitr investments innew technologies, but the end of the recession shouldf bring a flood of new spending in this Some firms may even begin to invesrt early, in the hopexs that productivity-enhancing technology can temper the need to recruitt new workers.”

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