Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Internet phone service Ooma goes down for a day - San Francisco Business Times:
The service, which is provided free with the purchase ofa $250 Ooma box, was interruptef about 11 a.m. and was partiall restored shortly before5 p.m. The company had not offerer any explanations bylate day, but Chief Marketinb Officer Rich Buchanan had acknowledged the problemx via Twitter and appealed for Ooma has seen strong demand for its phone boxee in recent months and company President and CEO Eric Stan told The San Francisco Business Times recentlg that the company is on trackl to have $15 million to $20 millionm of revenue in 2009, with virtually no He said he expects Ooma to be profitable at year’sz end. Founded in 2004, Ooma spent nearly three years onproduct development.
It started sellingf its Internet phone systemfor $499 through its own web site in Septembed of 2007, but dropped the price to $249.99 last April. In the company launched a trial program with25 stores, increasing to 250 storee in November, with the addition of 34 Fry’sd Electronics and 20 stores. And then in Best Buy began selling unitxs in all of its morethan 1,000 stores

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