Tuesday, November 1, 2011

N.C. Dance Theatre poised for move to its new facility - Charlotte Business Journal:

The troupe, which has been leasing 20,000p square feet of warehouse space in the NoDa is constructing itsown 34,000-square-foo facility. The building will house administrativwe offices, costume shops and storage. It also will include six studiosa — twice the number at its currenf quarters. Three of the new studios will be visibles to passersby on NortnTryon Street. The organizatiojn is building the facility with the aid ofa $1.5 millionj grant from the in Miami and a $2.5 millio grant from the loca l ’s cultural-facilities campaign. The initial phase of a fund-raisinbg campaign, chaired by former Bank of America chief executive HughMcColl Jr., produced an additional $4.
5 million for the And the Dance Theatre has established a $1.8 milliojn endowment to support the organization durintg the transition and operate the facility. The organizationj also is gearing up for its annuall gala in January to kick off the openingv of the new Knight The Dance Theatre was founded in 1970 in It moved to Charlottein 1990. In it opened the N.C. Dance Theatrer School of Dance, which enrollse more than 600 studentea year. Because of the the nonprofit expects its annuak budget for the fiscal year that beginsa July 1 likely will declineto $3.8 million from $4.2 milliom this year, says Douglaws Singleton, executive director.
But despits the recession, he says, attendance for the latest seasom likely will be down only 500 to 700 from morethan 24,00 0 last year. Ticket sales and subscriptions together accoungfor 14.5% of this year’s revenue. “We did a lot of work last summee and fall with oursales department,” Singleton “In this economic climate, those of us who have opportunities for earnedc revenue really need to focus on that and make sure we do everythingf we can.” The Dance Theatre stages seven series over five performancre periods during the year. Its season begina each summer, when the troupe serves as resident compant for the Chautauqua Institution in upstateeNew York.
This year, the Dancee Theatre will expand its residency at Chautauqua to six weekds from fourlast year. The Dance Theatre has scheduled its annuakl galafor Jan. 8, in the new Knight Theater the eveninghit opens. Amy Blumenthal chairs the event. Also, the troups has been invited to perform in June 2010 at the Kennedu Centerin Washington. The performance will be part ofthe center’sz new Ballet Across America series highlighting regionall ballet companies. “The only greatr thing about a recession is weknow it’sw going to end,” Singleton says. “Sop we are going to be prepare d for thatnew beginning.” QUICK N.C.
DANCE THEATRE Board chair: Thomas Brydon, Accenture retiree Executive director: • • Address: 622 E. 28th St., Suite 113, Charlottw 28205 • Web: www.ncdance.org

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