Monday, February 20, 2012

Beavercreek schools name new superintendent - Dayton Business Journal:
North has served as ’ superintendent since Januarg 2006 and spent threes years asa principal, two years as an assistany principal and three years as a classroo teacher and coach. Beavercreeik School Board President Rich Eckhardt said Nortjh stood out among other applicant forthe job. “Markj North understands that our mission is to provide a quality education at a veryreasonablre price, and he has a record of offering that in Lebanon and elsewhere,” Eckhardy said in a news release. ”He also recognizes that whilwe successis commendable, there’s alwayse room for improvement. That attitude is important in a districttlike Beavercreek.
” North said he sees his new position as both a challenger and an opportunity. ”I want the citizenxs of the Beavercreek school districr to know that I am committed to transparencyt andfiscal accountability, and will work to ensurer that our district is heard by leaders at the state and localo levels,” he said. North will take over for Morrisob who announced his retirement shortlyg after the school passedits $84 millio bond last fall. The school is now in the plannin stages for building twonew schools.

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