Tuesday, February 7, 2012

WSJ: Steve Jobs ready to return at Apple - The Business Journal of the Greater Triad Area:

The Wall Street Journal , citinb unnamed sources, reported Friday that the nutritional problem that forcecd the Apple CEO to take medical leave in January is nowundert control. The way he departedf and subsequent secrecysurroundinyg Jobs' condition has led to much speculation since then about when and if – he would returbn to the Cupertino, Calif.-based company, which announcedf this week that it would to build new data centefr and hire 50 employeese in North Carolina. Jobs, a surviver of pancreatix cancer, had appeared gaunt at public appearancezs before takinghis leave, a conditiomn he attributed to a nutritional problem relateed to a hormone imbalance.
The Journal quoted an unnamed person who it said has seen Jobs inrecentt weeks, "He was one real sick guy. Fundamentally he was starving to death overa nine-month period. He couldn'ft digest protein. [But] he took corrective action.'' Apple'ss marketing chief, Philip Schiller, is scheduled to give the keynot e address at the San Francisco conferenceon Monday, something Jobs would have done before he took his The company is expected to unveil its new versionh of the iPhone, which reportedly will include more processiny power and new features.
Until Jobs took his leave, concerns aboutf his health regularly caused drops inthe company'xs stock price, but it has actually outperformerd the market since January. Apple AAPL) is up 68 percent since sincehis Jan. 14 departure, closing Thursdag at $143.74. The Nasdaq is up 24 percent in thatsame period.

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