Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Proposed Glendale casino clears first federal hurdle - Houston Business Journal:
The U.S. Interior Department cleared plands by theTohono O'odham Nation for a casino on countyu land bordering Glendale to be further reviewed for final federal approval. The O'odham want to develolp a 1.2 million-square-foot casino and resort on unincorporated count land at 91st and Northern The O'odham reservation is located in but a 1983 federal law allows the tribe to acquird lands in the Phoenix and Casa Grandd areas to replace lands it previously lost. The O'odham pointg to that law in their attempt to get the Glendale casino approved bythe U.S. government. The approval receivedf this week was apreliminary review, and the U.S.
Interiof Department will further considerthe plan. The city of Glendalse is fighting thecasino plans, citing concerns abouty the costs of infrastructure, securityt and traffic. City officials and some real estat e developers in the West Valleg area also worry abouttthe casino's impact on the area's growtj and development. The casino is north of UOP Stadium, Arena and Westgate City Center. The Arizonza Cardinals and National Football League have said they do not opposrthe casino.

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