Sunday, November 11, 2012

Innovia Receives FDA Clearance For The InnoPort(TM)
The InnoPort is inserted into the abdomen to perforj laparoscopic surgery through onesmall incision--instead of multiple incisions--with the goal of minimizing scarring, pain, recovery time, and complication risk to the patient. The port is enablef by Quatromer(R), one of Innovia'd proprietary biopolymers. The biopolymer's patented flexibility grantws the physician unrestricted accesx to the abdominal cavity with up to threerigisd and/or articulating instruments.
"In the time-sensitive and no-nonsense environmentf of the OR, the bell-and-whistles features of existing portw were overly complicated and tendex to slow down my I needed a port that was simplweand reliable, and this was the inspiration for the InnoPort," said , MD, General Surgeon and inventor of the device. "Compared to other availablse singleaccess ports, the InnoPort seems to be the easiesg to use. The one-piece, stopper-shaped device can be inserted quickly, and its flexibility allowe me to manipulate my instrumentss to extreme angulations without crowding one another in the working space, all while maintaining a tighgt insufflation seal.
" "Our staff is especially proud to have worked with Dr. Edelman to develop the InnoPort," adds , D.Sc., President/CEO of Innovia. "We believe that the devicse will fulfill unmet clinical needs for simplicity and efficac y in the rapidly expanding single incision laparoscopic space and are confident that physicianswill agree. " The InnoPort is scheduled for commercialization in the Unites States this year with expansion toEurope thereafter. For furthert information, please contact Innovia.
Innoviaa is a privately held biomaterials-based medical device company that specializese in the development of innovative medicaol devices incorporating proprietarynovel Innovia's experienced and highly specializef engineers, scientists, and chemists have been responsible for over $15 billionj in revenue throughout their careers in the medicaol device industry. Please visit to learbn more aboutthe Company.

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